The Credits
Producers: Jordan Young for JTeam Productions & Teddy Hamby for Top of the Rock Studios
Mixed by: Teddy Hamby
Engineering and Mastering: Tré Corley for Oak Tree Productions
Graphic Design: Nathan Holmes for Tall Designs
Photography: Tyler Culpepper for Oh! Snap Pictures
Keys/Organ: Jordan Young, Teddy Hamby, & Tim Mullinax
Bass: Jaron Young & Nick McKinnon
Guitar: Colton Duty
Drums: Jaron Young & Michael Coffman
Saxophone: Jonathan Davis & Gary Robinson
Percussion: Jaron Yonng
Background Vocals: Keatron Colbert, Mandie Holmes, Nathan Holmes, Jaron Young, Jordan Young, & Megan White
Music Transcription: Melody Wedegren